Event 活动

Nowadays, learning guqin has become more and more popular among both elders and young people. For beginners, it's very important to choose a good guqin.

In November, the period as the beginning of winter, even though it's cold ouside, inside the room it was overwhelmed by people's enthusiathm. Everyone was excited and passionate, because Si Yue music was holding a guqin learning seminar. 

The main topic of this seminar was how to learn the guqin well. The aim was to let every learner find the best and the most proper way of learning guqin and to solve everybody's confusion during guqin learning.

In the discussion, teachers mentioned that for beginners, getting a guqin with accurate sound was very important. It's also important for the guqin to touch smooth, this way learners' hands wouldn't get tired even for long time practice. When chooseing a guqin, one can compare different guqins and find the most appropriate one. 

After the seminar, people all wanted to try different guqins. Some experienced learners from Zhejiang province chose their favourite guqins and played them happily. 

After playing, teachers explained the fingering. In the performace of the guqin, the most frequently used fingerings are Mo, Tiao, Gou and Ti. The Tuo and Pi of the thumb are often used on the 6th and the 7th strings while the Da and Zhai of the norminal finger are mainly used on the 1st and the second strings. But for composite fingerings, all strings may be involved. When playing the guqin, the right hand should be put between the Yueshan and the first Hui and the four fingers of the left hand should be put on either the inner side or the outside of the strings, relaxed and not touching the strings. Of course different people have different understandings of playing the guqin. 

Along with the pass of time, the seminar was coming to the end. The seminar deepened the understanding of the guqin for guqin players and enhanced the interest of beginners. We believe that people will find their own learning methods in the future. 

Learning the guqin is a long way to go. One can't get the marrow of the guqin if learning it just ocassionally, just like the words by Tu Long, the guqin master in Ming Dynasty, "Guqin is a graceful thing in the room, you can't spend a day without touching it". Guqin is a musical instrument that can't be put aside. Playing it frequently can make it alive. 









