The Artistic Conception of Guzheng 古筝意境

The artistic conception of Guzheng

The Guzheng has a long history and is a traditional Chinese instrument with profound cultural cultivation and unique musical charm. Its musical imagery is rich and diverse, and it can bring people different emotional experiences and aesthetic enjoyment.

As early as the pre Qin period, there was a record of the zither in Li Si's "Su Zhuke Shu": "When the master struck the weng and played the zither, he beat his legs, and the singing and sobbing were heard quickly, the true sound of Qin was also heard." In the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, a large number of zither poems and poems emerged, letting us know that guzheng music is not only an auditory enjoyment, but also a communication of emotions and artistic conception, allowing people to feel the unique scenes and emotions shaped by music during the appreciation process.

The realm of Guzheng is closely related to its musical works and the performer's mood and skills. Different styles of zheng music can bring people different emotional experiences; When playing the guzheng, the player brings their own emotions into the music and adds the "sound and rhythm" by their left and right hands, especially emphasizing "supplementing the sound with rythm", which is the best way to reflect its artistic conception. The ancient emphasis on "life with ryhthm, death without rhythm" provides a good overview of the essence of the artistic conception of the Guzheng. The word "rhythm" not only allows people to hear the pleasant sound of the qin, but also represents the highest level of unity between the player and the qin.

Guzheng is also an emotional attachment for people, and Guzheng music often contains natural beauty and cultural charm. A Zhejiang style poem "High Mountains and Flowing Water" has an ancient and elegant sound, expressing emotions and freehand brushwork. It not only depicts the majestic mountain spirit, but also vividly displays the different forms of flowing water; The name "Singing Fishermen Returning in the Twilight" is derived from the preface to the Tengwang Pavilion, which reads "singing fishermen returning in the twilight, echoing the shore of Pengli". Its melody is beautiful and has a distinct Chinese landscape painting style, expressing praise and love for the mountains and rivers of the motherland. Slow tempo is soothing and lingering, fast tempo is rapid and orderly, and the subtle and gentle ending brings people to a profound artistic conception; "Battle of Typhoon" is a guzheng solo piece written by Teacher Wang Changyuan, inspired by the struggle between workers and typhoons. The melody is majestic, and the fast-paced sections are tense and intense, showcasing the determination and courage of dock workers to fight against typhoons. The slow tempo is beautiful and lyrical, depicting the workers feeling gratified and proud for overcoming typhoons and protecting national property; The emotions of the entire song "Su Wu's Homesickness" change with the protagonist's mood and situation. Starting with a deep melody, depicting Su Wu's difficult situation of herding sheep in the icy and snowy land, and his nostalgia for Han filled with sadness, anger, and melancholy. The latter part gradually became high and clear, demonstrating Su Wu's determination to reunite with his family and return to the Central Plains.

The Guzheng has a wide range of sounds, beautiful timbre, and a long aftertaste. The phrase "lingering sound lingers on the beam for three days without being felt in the ear" is not an exaggeration to describe the sound of the Guzheng. It can not only blend the performer's mood with the sound of the qin, but also pull the audience's thoughts into this graceful and melodious atmosphere. This is also one of the reasons why more and more people are falling in love with and learning the guzheng. Because from the moment we play the piano, it is no longer a cold instrument, but a close friend who elevates our situation.

The artistic conception of Guzheng is simple and elegant, containing vitality and charm. The melodious sound awakens the heart, and the beautiful artistic conception coils in the heart.
